Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with family this year! Jason, Sierra, Violet and Josiah came up from Oregon on Tuesday and just left this afternoon. They were able to stay for a week long visit and it was WONDERFUL! There were many games of chase, puzzles, and dress up with the kids. Oh, did I mention that they picked up 6 12-packs of Cranberry Sierra Mist for us, since we can't get it over here?! I *love* my family :) Thanksgiving Day, my Aunt Deb and her kids made it over to spend the day with us, which was equally fun. It was a great group! Lots of laughter, food, and fellowship.

Playing songs with Selma

*posing* :)

Lovely kitchen worker

~Cousin Love~ 


Shark Tale puzzle masters ;) 

Selma "riding" Lady Bug 

Of course, we have to put olives on our fingers! 

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