Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Looking unto Jesus

Is it just me, or do you feel like you can never 'get it right' and respond to those things the way Christ would?

I can get so distracted. I look inwardly at myself and the world around me, and I forget that I need to keep my eyes on Jesus.

Sometimes, I let Satan tell me those little lies and I believe them.


I let my contentment turn into complaining

My faith into fear

My joy into misery

My confidence into feelings of worthlessness

I look back onto the things of the past, when I need to be looking forward.

I put priority over how others think of me, instead of looking at what Christ thinks of me.

The awesome thing about Christ is that He shows me exactly what lies I am choosing to believe. He counteracts those lies with the Truth, and uses other Christians to encourage me in the Lord.

He reminds me I need to be looking to Him and not looking at myself.

I am never going to be perfect, I understand that. Yet, there is never a point in my Christian life where I should be content and not letting Christ show me areas I need to change in my life.

Even though I mess up and take my eyes off of Jesus, He is there to show me where I have gone wrong.

He has a plan for my life far better than I can even understand. I have to trust in Him and keep looking unto Jesus.

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith......" ~Hebrews 12:2a~

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