Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sunday Mornings

Sunday morning started out pretty normal. Oh, you know, scurry out of bed all bushy haired, get ready to go to church..... We have to get up pretty early in order to be to church (40 min away) to set up and get all settled for the services. I'm sure you all know how Sunday mornings tend to be, especially with two rambunctious dogs having to be taken out and fed before leaving! Finally, we were out the door heading over the Loup to Twisp for church in Kali's car. Ok...side note needed here..

*Side Note*
Kali's gas gauge in her car is not working correctly. It will show the gas tank to be full or half full but its not....so we have to track the amount of miles from filling it up, this is how we know when to get gas.

Ok, we're back. Apparently, it was overestimated how much gas was in Kali's car. Up the mountains and hills we go then it happened...we started slowing down. The gas gauge went down to completely empty and the "Low Fuel" light is on. Well, thank you for telling us when it's too late!! Thankfully, we were not too high and we still had cell reception. Now, by divine purpose or not, Josh was home with a bad headache that Sunday. I called Josh and he brought us the gas tank to put in the car. Of course you can imagine the *smile* I could hear from the phone call and that very smile he displayed when he came to "rescue us".

While we waited, I can promise you this, there was a chipmunk on the side of the road laughing at us! It was chirping away and was having a grand old time, enjoying our doom.

Josh gets there, put gas in the tank, only to find out that there is only about a gallon of gas in the tank that was brought to us. (Mind you, we still have a good 20 min or so to church.) Here was our plan of action, which my wonderful father was the mastermind of :) Once we get to the top of Loup Loup most of it is down hill,  the engine was turned off and we literally coasted down most of that mountain. I kid you not! Praise the Lord we DID make it to the gas station without having to walk or push. :)

Do you think God likes to spice up our Sunday Mornings to see if we are awake and ready for His House?! :)

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