Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Lies Women Believe"

Mom, Kali, and I have been reading this book together recently. Its by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, have you heard of her? She is a Christian author and writes many, many books for women striving to live a life that is Christ-honoring. We have only gotten as far as the 3rd chapter, but let me tell you, this book is SO good. I've shared with some friends already how eye-opening it really is. As women we are naturally way more emotional then men are. Big shocker, I know!! :o) So, being those emotional women we are, we tend to let Satan get in our minds and let him tell us lies about God, ourselves ect...., then we start believing them and acting upon it. Here is the steps she gives...

1. Listen to the Lie
2. Dwell on the Lie
3. Believe the Lie
4. Act on the Lie

Then, she starts getting into the different lies Satan will tell us about God.....

"God is not really good. If He were, He would..."
"God doesn't love me"
"God is just like my father"
"God is not really enough"
"God's ways are too restrictive"
"God should fix all my problems"

Some of these we would look at and go *gasp*! There is no way I would even say God is not enough (for example). Yet, in our lives, if you take a honest look at it, you may be living the lie. Feeling you need the opinions of others to 'ok' your life, but the only true opinion you need is to know you are right with God and doing what He wants you to do. Relying on people and things, instead of God.

Others lies Satan will tell us about ourselves...

"I'm not worth anything"
"I need to learn to love myself"
"I can't help the way I am"
"I have my rights"
"Physical beauty matters more than Inner beauty"
"I should not have to live with unfulfilled longings"

This is just scraping the surface of what she talks about. All of these 'lies' she goes into and talks about them in depth and really makes you to consider, "Am I believing/living this lie?" I HIGHLY encourage women to read this book. We have just gotten into the first 3 chapters and I have already gotten so much out of it. Once you realize what 'lies' you are believing, you can counteract those 'lies' Satan will tell you with the Truth of God's Word. Believe me, if you take a honest look at your life, you will see some areas that you have been believing the 'lies' Satan tells you.


  1. I have that book too, but every time I try to read it I end up putting it down because I get bored with it. I keep it around because I hope that one day I won't. But I'm happy to hear that it's a blessing to you.

  2. They were teaching through this book in Georgia when we visited. I picked up a copy and hope to go through some of the areas with our ladies. There is so much to think about and I agree, many of us have fallen into these traps. I'm not reading it straight through Carolyn. Picking sections here and there, but it all seems good so far.
