Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ladies SPARK

This past weekend I had the privelege to attend a ladies conference, along with fellow ladies in our church and others from like minded churches, in Olympia. This was my first time going to a ladies conference and it was such a blessing! Not only was the fellowship great, games lots of fun, delicious food, hilarious skits, but most importantly the teaching from God's Word was absolutely fabulous!

The theme for this year was, "Around the World in 8 hours". The games were all centered around different parts of the world, as well as the food all sorts of different cuisines. Yum!

Mrs. Anita Couser from Southwest Baptist Church, in Oklahoma (the church connected with Heartland Baptist Bible College), was our speaker and God really used her to speak in the lives of many, many women.

The first lesson was titled, "Where are you going?", from John 17:1-5. A few quotes I jotted down that spoke to my heart include....

~The choices we make determine how we are, not the circumstances that come our way.

~Every time I respond correctly to a trial of life, there is a mark made on my life, to gain characteristics of Christ.

~We exist on earth for Christ, He doesn't exist here for us.

The second lesson was titled, "Who are you taking with you?", from Luke 10:25-37. More things that spoke to my heart.....

~We need to be troubled, because we are not troubled about the lost. We need to be concerned, because we are not concerned about the lost. We need to be weeping, because we are not weeping about the lost.

~I need to be willing to be 'inconvienced', in order to plant a seed in a lost person's life.

~We can get so busy serving Christ in our life, that we can forget why we are here, to show others to Christ.

The final lesson was entitled, "Detours!!", using Matthew 4:1-11.

~Don't try to prove God, He doesn't need to prove Himself to me.

~Fasting and prayer go together--How long has it been since we have sincerely fasted and prayed about someone or something?

~When I get my eyes on the world and the lusts of the world, then I render myself useless to Christ.

Needless to say, the lessons were so spiritually convicting. I am so thankful I was able to go and look forward to next year!!

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