Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God's Faithfulness

Many of you may know that I had been without a job for almost a year now.

Praying, trusting, some worrying (bad me!), and contentment about the situation pretty much sums up the year. 

I was talking to a lady I had just met this past Sunday and the subject of what I did for a living came up. I had explained the job situation, but then told her that I am happy being at home waiting for God to open something up. I had applied for several jobs, really desiring a nanny job or something with children, but God had not opened any doors.

Not 3 hours later, I received an email from a mom looking for a nanny for her little 18 month old boy. I emailed her back and we set up a meeting to get together on Monday.

 Monday, we met at Starbucks and I was able to meet sweet, little, curly-headed Julian. He instantly stole my heart and I officially started being his nanny on Tuesday!

God has a way of surprising us when we least expect it! I feel so blessed and thankful for God giving me this wonderful opportunity, truly the desire of my heart! God is so, incredibly faithful to His children. We just need to wait for His perfect timing in each and every situation.


  1. Congratulations! God is good!
    Happy weekend! :)
