Monday, December 3, 2012

Femininity: A lost art

God has been bringing my attention to this topic recently.
Femininity, where has it gone?

Many women {myself included, at times} grumble about how the men in our lives need to be more like gentlemen. Yet, we fail to examine our own lives. Are we being the feminine women God created us to be?

I am guilty of not allowing the men in my life to be gentlemen. For example:

--Has a man ever offered to open the door for you?
--Has a man ever offered to carry something heavy for you?
--Has a man ever offered to let you go ahead of him in line?
--Has a man ever offered to assist you with some kind of project you are working on?

Did you allow him to be a gentleman and do those things for you, or {like me at times} say, "No, thanks."

With the way our world has gone, we are taught {by the world, I might add} that women can do things themselves. We don't need men to depend on. So, just a simple thing like a man offering to carry a heavy box for you, when we deny his kind offer it's like saying, "No, I don't need you, I can do it myself." Wasn't he just trying to be a gentleman? Yet, we didn't allow them to be.

If we deny their help and insist we can do everything by ourselves, no wonder chivalry is uncommon. What is the point of men to keep offering if we keep denying?

We don't need to be as rough and tough as men. We were not created to be as rough and tough as men. I realize that we all have different personalities and not everyone is the 'curls and makeup' kind of women. Yet, we can still be feminine and let the men in our lives be gentlemen, the way God created us to be.

Like I said in the beginning, this is a topic God has brought to my attention. I just want to encourage women to make that conscious effort to allow the men in our lives to be gentlemen, thus producing a more lady-like manner. We might be surprised at how gentlemanly the men in our lives are!


  1. I totally agree. I recently read another blog post saying essentially the same thing.

  2. Here's the link to the other post. I made this comment separate so you don't have to publish it if you don't want to. :)

    1. Thanks for the link, Rachel! The lady who wrote the post made some really good points!
