Thursday, December 13, 2012

So tell me... {Granny B.-- Part 2}

If you missed part 1 here is the link! >>> So tell me... {Granny B.-- Part 1}


9. What were you doing in your life at my age (21)?
I got married at age 21!

10. How did you meet Grandpa?
I was with my sister and her husband. We passed by his dad's house, when e stopped he come out to the car. Love at first sight. 6 weeks later we were married!!

11. How did Grandpa propose?
He sure didn't get down on on knee. He just said we were getting married!

12. What are some hardships you have faced in your life?
Well there are many. There was a time when all we had to eat was pancakes and apple sauce. Another time when I come home from the Hospital with a new baby and the power man came to turn off our electric. Talked him out of it till we could get some money. When I was pregnant with Sharon {my mom} we went all summer without electric. No Fridge!!!!

13. How old were you when your first child was born?
I was 22 yrs old when I had my first child.

14. Do you have any special memories of when your kids where little?
With 7 kids there is lots of special memories. They played really well together!!

15. What was mom like growing up?
She was a very mellow person. Listened to orders most of the time. When she was little she would come up to us if we were sitting down and throw her leg over ours and stand there on one leg. We ask her what she would do when she went to school cause she couldn't throw her leg on her Teacher :-)

16. Any recipe or food that is your speciality to make?
Biscuits and gravy/chocolate gravy. Pinto Beans and corn bread!!!!

17. Do you have any advice to give to my generation?
Yes I sure do. The most important thing is to know Jesus as your personal Saviour. Serve Him no matter what the cost may be. Dig down deep and get your feet planted upon the Solid Rock, which is Christ Jesus. The Author and Finisher of our FAITH!!!

I can certainly agree with her biscuits and gravy {AND chocolate gravy} speciality. Whenever the family gets together we always make that for a big breakfast! We have all grown up on it and LOVE it!

Thank you Granny for answering all these questions! It's been so fun to read all the answers!

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