Monday, May 24, 2010

Behind on Posting....

I know its been a while since I have posted about the stuff thats been going on around here, so I will try to get you up to date but not bore you will all the details!

So, after almost a week of our house being on the market, we got a bid and within the next week it was in the process (and still is) of going through all the papers and yada yada..... So as of this moment the "sale is pending", but we have to be out by June 3rd....yes thats next week. Crazy, I know! So, we are starting to pack and this saturday we are having a garage sale to try and get rid of some unnecessary things we find on the way and stuff thats been in the garage for a while that we havn't gotten around to having a garage sale with. As you can imagine, we have been really busy.

We went over to the East side of the state and put a bid on the house we are wanting. We were able to come to an agreement! So, the latest we would be able to close on that house is the 30th of June, maybe even sooner. We will have a couple weeks of the "limbo" stage and hopefully we will be able to sack with my brother in his new apartment for that time. If not, we have received many offers for us to come and stay with church family and friends, which is very sweet and appreciated. Even then, as the last resort, we have a church trailer that we can stay in until things get settled. No matter what, God will work it all out. Just pray that He will comfort and strengthen our family as we take this new step and leap of faith. Satan will really try to attack and distract us and I can already feel that he has been trying, so please pray that we will grow in Him and learn to lean and trust upon Him more each day.....

Besides the whole moving stuff, I was able to have a much needed girls day with Alyssa and Linnea last monday. We went shopping and found nice stuff! We did have plans to go hiking afterwards, but by the time we were finished shopping we were too tired to hike, so another day....hey, shopping alone is hiking right?!?! We have to run to get the good sales!

My parents, Kali and I went to a H.O.P.E conference at another church last week, as well. Its a ministry to help addicts and giving them the spiritual counselling they need, thus sharing the Gospel with them. We are excited to be able to eventually incorporate this into our ministries at the church we are starting.

Thats pretty much a sum of whats been going on the past few weeks.....sorry I dont have any pictures for this post, I know its kind of boring without pictures. I guess you will just have to survive without it this time. ;o) (BTW, my last day of work is the 17th of sad.....)

Enjoy your week and find some time to relax!

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