Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's, I can remember when she was just a little baby! (hehe ok, maybe not, but it sounded good!) My mother, what can I say about my mother? Are there any words that could really describe fully the blessings of having a good, Godly mother? I praise God for my mother and how she is such a Godly example of what a woman needs to be. She is not just my mother, but she is my friend. As I get older she is becoming more and more of a friend that I can just go and talk to about anything or laugh about the silliest things, rather than the mom that nags you about cleaning your room. (hehe, not saying that I was messy or anything....) Even though I will make fun of her sometimes and correct her grammer, I love her more than words can express. Thank you mom, for being such a great mother and being that Godly example that a good mother needs to be! I love you lots!!!

    Sorry, I dont have a lot of pictures that she would "approve of"!

You all can probably guess where I get the dorky side of my personality from! haha

1 comment:

  1. I <3 your mom too:) I'll miss her a lot when y'all move:( She's been such a blessing to me!
