Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Lovely Day!

Last year (2008) for Christmas I got the Anne of Green Gables series from my friend Carolyn. I started reading them and then got distracted by some other books that sounded really good. So, I put them down for a while and read a bunch of other books. Just a a month or two ago, I decided that I need to read all the books in my bookshelf before I read any other books. So, the quest began and the Green Gables series needed to be read! There are 8 books in the series, I had left off on the 3rd book so I started from there and yesterday I finished them!! Hurray! It was a really good series and Im glad I finally read it! Yet, for me, I have a really hard time to read an entire 8 book series! So, at times I was more skimming the pages rather than reading, but there were some really good parts that I really enjoyed! Its one of those classics that I think every girl should read! So, thanks Carolyn! It was fun reading!

Today I didnt have to go to work till 10:30, which it is so nice to sleep in after going to work at 8:30 all the other working days, except thursday and friday! Which, I find that those are the days that I need the sleep the most, so it works out really nicely! Anyways, back onto the original purpose I was telling you this, sorry, I got distracted by a shiny thing. (haha) When I was on my way to work, it was so beautiful out I couldn't stop admiring it! It was so nice and sunny, the mountains were in plain view! Here is a picture of what I was able to see this morning!

Later, when I got off of work, I went to the store to pick up some things for dinner tonight. Tonight was my night to cook! After I got home, I ventured out of my car with the bags and trying to persuade Max to get out of the garage so I could close the door. In my attempt to do that, one of the bags handle broke and sent the bag to the hard, cement floor. Yikes! I had remember that I bought a jar of salsa and I was hoping that it wasnt in that bag. Much to my dismay, I looked in the bag and there it was laying, all mangled and sad looking. I took the jar in the house with the other bags I had in my hand. Went out to clean up the mess, (thankfully it was contained in the bag, so I didnt have a disaster on my hands!) and took the other things from the bag into the house. I think I had a little bit of a blonde moment because I kept the jar of salsa, there was still some left in the jar and I thought that I could still use it tonight. My mom comes in the kitchen and ask what Im doing with it. I tell her that Im using it for dinner and she then precedes to tell me that I cant use it because there might be glass in it! DUH!!! I dont know why I didnt even think about that. Hopefully I dont kill my family one day when I have a house of my So, now they are all talking about how they would have had glass shards in their stomachs and teasing me about it! Oh well...I guess we all have those stupid moments sometimes! Well, the recipe was really good, even without the glass shards!

Here is the recipe of you would like it! Cheesy Chicken & Salsa Skillet 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you liked the books:) I have to do the same thing with my bookshelf. It was such a gorgeous day I was so sad to have to spend it indoors.:(
