Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Past Week

Lets see...whats been going on with me?! This past week we had a SPG (Singles Pleasing God) get together. That is always a good time of fellowship! This time, my good friend Nicki, talked to the group about financial matters and how we can prepare for the future, as well as trying to be in a great financial status now. It was really good and she brought out some great points! So, this year I am going to really try to save money.....Im not in a bad position financially right now. Yet, I think it would be nice to be even better! I am blessed not to have a car loan and things like that. Even for the future, I would want to take money into a marriage and not give my husband $5 and be like...ok honey, thats all I have. I want to be frugile and really get busy in trying to save! So, thats more of a "resolution" if you want to call it that, that I have this year. (Pray I can stick with it!)  Another reason for the SPG gathering was to discuss the Sweetheart's Banquet that we are planning. Although, I cant share anything about it quite yet, I will tell you that its going to be really cool and I will post about it when it is finished!! I am excited to be a blessing to the married couples of the church, once again this year!

So, some of you may know, but when I turned 13 years old I had got a ring from my parents for my birthday. I have always loved that ring, not just because what it looks like, but more what it symbolizes. A love and friendship between my parents, something that I truly cherish and am blessed with! Yet, when I had got it, it was too big. Bummer, but I just decided to wear the ring on my middle finger (the fatter one..haha) and it wouldnt be so big. Yet, about 3 years later I transferred it to my finger (next to the pinky....ok....pinky just looks like a weird word....lol....pinky...) and it was much bigger on that finger but I liked it better, so it just stayed there. For the past few years, I have lost that ring several times, attributing to the fact that it was so big. Thankfully, it was always found again, Praise the Lord! Lately, I've been thinking that maybe I should just break down and get it sized down. So, today I went into the jewelers and gave it to them to size down. When we were figuring what size I would need, we figured out that I needed a whole 1 1/2 sizes down from the original size! Good grief! Thats why I kept losing it! LOL So right now that finger is feeling pretty naked without it, a whole week without it! I keep feeling that finger and expect it to be there and realize that its not! Yet, I am glad I finally did it and I am excited not to have to worry about it getting lost anymore....Hurray!

Anyways, so thats whats new with me.....besides the normal church, work, things like that! I hope you all have had a great week and have a fantastic week ahead!

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