Monday, July 12, 2010

Closet Stats

My room is finally painted (after 3 coats of paint, arg!). So, yesterday I was unpacking boxes and getting settled in my new room and I found that I didn't have enough hangers to hang everything up in my new (bigger!) closet. I had mom and dad pick up some more so I could finish up the big box of clothes that needed to be hung up still, I told them that 1 billion hangers would probably be enough! Needless to say, they brought back 60, for Kali and I to share, I was skeptical that it would be enough for the both of us. Yet, I decided to hang things up and see what happened. I went through 41 hangers,  plus I wanted some extras for new clothes I might come across, so this adds up to 5 packages of 10 count hangers! :o) As I was organizing, I got to looking at it and guess I didn't realize how many clothes I have! For those of you who really don't care and think I'm stupid, just skip this post, but if you find this at least a tiny bit interesting keep reading! This brings me to the stats, here they are......

Shirts (including sweaters, t-shirts, button-ups...) - 55

Dresses - 3

Jackets & Coats - 14

Skirts - 41

Shoes (including slippers, flip-flops, heels, boots, ect....) - 25

I officially have no right to declare that I have nothing to wear! hehe


  1. I want my hangers back! Haha!!

  2. I only have two words...Clothes more shopping trips for you...OK that was more than 2, but I miss you. <3 ya

  3. Wow, I should probably do the same thing with my closet. I'd probably come fairly close to you except I don't have quite that many shoes, and I've got more dresses and less jackets and coats. :-)

