Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Classics

So, for the past week or so I have been hooked on watching all the great classic movies. What, you may ask are those classic movies that I love? Some people love the classic westerns, some the classic black and white, but I love the Jane Austin movies! Pride and Predujice, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, and Emma are all favorites of mine! I do have the select "versions" that I prefer, but watch any one that you can find, (as long as its not the cheezy ones!) and hopefully you would enjoy them, if you have not already watched them!

We have recently found some other movies that my family (I'm speaking of the women in my family...hehe) loves! So, just for the fun of it, I will spit out a few of the titles of the movies and I will HIGHLY encourage you to give them a shot! Hey, what have to got to lose?!

 The titles include: Cranford (which they have come out with "Return of Cranford" online at pbs, so if you like it so much, you can watch the second one!), Under the Greenwood Tree, North and South, and Wives and Daughters.

1 comment:

  1. O come on, you mean to tell me that Josh doesn't like Cranford;) For shame, LOL!!!
