Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Busyness Abounding

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and have no idea that the day will be so busy?! Well, today was one of those days for me! It started out pretty slow then in the afternoon it really picked up.

My day as follows:

1:30 p.m.- Took Kali to the doctor (don't worry, nothing serious, just a viral infection that should pass in a few days.....)

2:30 p.m.- STILL at the doctors office.....trying to wait patiently in the room

3:30 p.m.- FINALLY leaving the doctors office, yup you counted it, 2 HOURS! For a viral infection, plus we went to urgent care, URGENT CARE PEOPLE! If she was really urgent she would have been dead by the time they were able to get to her.....anyways.....

3:45 p.m.- Shopping at the grocery store for things for dinner and so forth....

4:45 p.m.- Leaving the grocery store and trying to bear the 100 degree heat outside......

5:00 p.m.- Arrived at the Majors house to practice a song for Sunday with Chris

5:30 p.m.- Came home from practicing and got dinner going (Made Dad and Mom's Anniversary dinner one day early because there is a busy day tomorrow....consisting of the Highway 20 outreach!)

6:45 p.m.- Sitting down to eat dinner

7:00 p.m.- Starting to make dessert and cleaning up the disaster of the kitchen

8:30 p.m.- Finally finished making dessert and cleaning the kitchen.......WHEW! feet aching.....

So, today was one of those days where you feel like you have a million things to do and not enough hours to do it. In the end, everything got done, dinner and dessert was a delicious success (Parmesan Herb Crusted Flounder, Home-made Mac' n Cheese, Green Beans, and 3 Layer Lemon Pie for dessert....Mmmmmm)!

Tomorrow we are getting ready for the Highway 20 campout and get our house all spruced up for visitors!! So excited to see everyone! Plus, I am making about 100 or more cookies in the morning for a treat for the people going on outreach Friday, on the menu: Snickernoodles and Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies! YUM! I'm making some extra Oatmeal Chocolate Chips for Josh, they are his favorite! We get to see Josh this weekend!

I didn't intend for this post to be so long but I guess there was too much to say! The excitement of this post is that my Dad and Mom are celebrating 26 years of marriage tomorrow! Praise the Lord! I love them both SO much and I pray that God will continue to bless their marriage. I know that everyone says this but "my parents are the best ever!" Love you both lots!

Signing off for the weekend.......

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to hear that Kali will be well for when Nicki and I come back over in a couple weeks :) YAY!!! I can't wait to see you guys!
