Thursday, August 5, 2010

Random Ponderings

I was reading someone's blog the other day and it made me miss by brother. :o( Despite the sometimes annoyance that every sibling can be to each other at times, I miss him and its really hard to be away from family that you are so close to. The other night we were able to have a short video chat with him, as a family. It was really good to SEE him AND talk to him, fun fun! I guess you don't really realize how much each member of the family has there place until one isn't there any more. Anyways, I really miss him and if I go on I might start crying, and no one wants to read me typing out my crying....hehe Love you Josh! See you in two weeks, can't wait!!!

(My hair was so long!)

I was thinking about this recently and even brought it up to Kali. Now, I know people out there blog stalk like the rest of us. If you can't admit it to yourself then you need to go to Blog Stalking Anonymous...haha Anyways, I was thinking, what if you meet these people that you blog stalk, that you don't know. Your introduced to them and then in your mind you are like, yeah, I've been blog stalking you for X amount of years. Wouldn't that be kind of strange?! It would be different if you introduced yourself through blogging and then decided to meet, but blogging is fun and I'm just happy that other people are enjoying it as well! Also another thing, what if you are blog stalking me and I am blog stalking you, but we don't know it?! I don't know, just weird random

Tonight I am playing the piano for church! I can play the songs well, its just when people start to sing along that kinda throws me off, of course nerves don't help either! My proposition is, why can't everyone just hum instead? It would help me and right now our church is so little that it wouldn't be a big deal, right?! HAHA Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it, Chris is trying to get me to trade off with Kali, which is a good thing. To be honest, since we moved here I have been practicing a lot more and I can tell that I have gotten better!! Praise the Lord! Anyways, I would appreciate the prayers for tonight!! Speaking of which, I need to go to practice........Oh yeah, I am learning Canon in "D" just for fun, who knows, we might have a wedding at the church that needs the song played! I doubt it any time soon, but its still fun to learn it! Makes me think of the "Taco Bell Canon"...LOL....ok now I'm just rambling when I should be practicing, now I am REALLY going to go practice..... ;o)


  1. Well, I have met you and I'm commenting on your post so that proves I'm not a blog stalker. I love random posts, they're normally the most interesting. I'm sure you'll do great with your piano playing. Have a great day!!!

  2. Blog stalking?? Me?? Noo!!!

    Haha...I love how one person put it. She had 2 lists of blogs on her side bar.

    People I know
    People I feel like I know
