Thursday, January 6, 2011

So many topics....which one to choose?!

So I've had a lot of blog post topics going on in my head, its hard to choose one to write about! Alas, I have decided.....

Tonight after work I went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Ahead of me was this couple with a little girl about 3 yrs old. They had their cart full of groceries, which is not unusual. As I was standing there waiting for my turn to check out I happened to notice something. Maybe its just me or maybe other people notice this too, but I noticed what they were buying. I'm telling you about 80-90% of what they were buying were frozen dinners, frozen pizzas, frozen meals, FROZEN..... Now before you go crazy on me, I'm not one of those people who don't think you should have frozen foods. Frozen foods are fine, as long as you don't consume them all the time. The main problem I have with them is how unhealthy those frozen foods tend to be. When you are consuming them every single day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, what is that doing to your body? People wonder why they gain 20 pounds in a short amount of time? I understand that some people are very busy and just don't have time to make a three course meal every night for dinner. Most people don't have that kind of time. Yet, when you are a mother you are in charge of what your family eats. You are the one who makes the food (or thaws it :o), you are responsible for the health of your family in that area. To me, its important to have those home cooked meals. Not just because its healthier for you, but also it really is cheaper in the long run. Plus, how many preservatives and who knows what else is in there that you are constantly eating. I'm not a organic eater and I'm not a straight NO PRESERVATIVES junky. Trust me, I eat all sorts of stuff which is so not good for me, but all I'm saying is in moderation...thats the key......not every meal.


  1. [shudder] I was just talking to a friend yesterday who works as a cashier at a local grocery story. And has she ever got some stories.... :)
