Thursday, September 9, 2010


Bro. Majors just finished up a study on the Book of Ephesians for our Thursday night Bible Studies. Let me tell you, these Bible Studies have been SO GOOD! Taking piece by piece and diving in the Word of God, its been good! Here are a few of the highlights (for me) that I have really learned alot from:

  • Praising God in EVERYTHING! No matter what circumstance comes your way, good or bad, praising God for it because He has a plan in everything. Which brings me to praising God that I haven't got a job yet, I know He has a plan and He will bring the right one for me in His timing. Praise the Lord, if I did have a job I wouldn't have been able to do some things that I have done!!
  • Submission is so key in every relationship, parents to children, pastors to members, GOD TO MAN, husband to wife. Even in the simple things in life, submitting to the authorities in your life, no matter if you don't understand, just submit and God will bless you for it! Oh, for you single ladies out there like myself, if we can't be submissive to our parents then how do we expect to be submissive to our future husband?! It won't happen, so we need to learn to be submissive now!
  • Lastly, tonight was about the armour of God and how we can use it to protect us from Satan's attacks. Without going into the whole study, if we are missing even one aspect of the amour we are allowing Satan to get in and use that against us. So gird yourself with the amour of God and use it so Satan can't get to you to discourage you in the things of the Lord. Satan has a counterfeit for everything and we have to make sure he doesn't catch us off guard!!
These Bible Studies were so good and I learned alot from them! Praise the Lord for men of God who are willing to teach the truth of the Bible! I just wanted to share these things with you all, I hope you are challenged and encouraged with this as I am!!

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